Media Hub 试读区

  • The Childhood Dream

    To this day, Dr Soo Kim Lan’s passage across the 1910s, persist in bringing to the fore, the message that anyone can triumph over personal challenges, apparent failures and discouragement, through personal choice and courage. 

    We can always choose to see that challenges are not meant to destroy or deprive us in any way, but to spur and strengthen us to achieve ever greater feats for the greater good of everyone in our lives.

  • Why trade in Malaysian markets?

    As you are trading in Malaysia which is your own country, you have the home ground advantage as compared to foreign investors. You will have better understanding of the domestic political and economic environment and its impact to the markets. For example, when the government announces the MRT project, you would know what companies are likely to be the beneficiaries and the impact to the stock price.

  • Art Shaped Me

    A profession that was alien during the mid-’80s. Nevertheless, I trusted my mentor who had my interest at heart as I was his most loyal student. My dream had always been to be like my master, to become an My Life Journey: The Rugged Walk 20 artist. I asked, “Why be an interior designer and not an artist?” And I remembered his words until today, “to become an artist, you need to be famous and that’s the only way you can survive”. It took me a long while to understand the reason behind it.

  • 新常态商业模式:直播营销


  • 热带丛林欢迎你

    在这紧要关头,我必须时刻提醒自己,我的每一个动作,都将拉近我和河流对岸的距离,就我眼界能及的距离,那对岸起码还在 200米开外,无论我怎么努力逆流向前移动,感觉上那大河彼岸 仍然是同样的遥远,似乎有某种超自然的海市蜃楼在吊着我的胃 口一样,这么近却又那么遥远。 我右手抓紧着绳索,左手抓着背包,万一不小心松了手,湍急的水流就会将装满粮食装备的背包冲走,而我也不知将会被冲往下游的什么地方。水流的压力压迫着我疼痛的左肩,要我一直这样紧抓着绳索和背包还真不简单。

  • 政治影响力

    国家领导人往往都是掌握庞大的资源,然而某些企业主为了商业利益,也会与政治人物保持密切关系,以利其获得资源的分 配。一些与建筑、汽油和医疗有关的上市公司为了能够在政府资源中分一杯羹,自然而然地也会被灌上了浓重的政治色彩。

  • What Works: AirAsia Success Factors

    Even low-cost airlines themselves do not always succeed. More than a dozen low-cost airlines were shut down in 2008 during the global economic meltdown. These shutdowns demonstrated the hypothesis that not every airline gets it right and that the low-cost carrier business model is not as simple as it appears. The low-cost carrier business model requires discipline and tenacity to implement.

  • Growing up in turbulent times

    Li is definitely not nouveau riche. One of the reasons he is respected and loved by the people, especially the Chinese, is his inspirational self-made success despite the turbulent times he was born in, and his humility and generosity despite his massive wealth.

  • Alibaba, 1001 Mistakes

    After rejecting and also being rejected by 38 capitalists and investors, Alibaba finally raised USD5 million from Goldman Sachs in August 1999, followed by USD20 million from Softbank Corporation in the first quarter of 2000. With these funds, Alibaba became the world’s largest online trading market ever in no time.

  • Self-understanding, the best asset one could ever have

    I have noticed that there are people who do not really enjoy what they are doing in life. In fact, they seem to be struggling and some even hate what they are doing. However, they feel they have to carry on due to various reasons such as the need for income and family commitments. They cannot see a way out and continue to be trapped in a life of misery.

  • How do you get rid of a bad habit in your behaviour system?

    To delete, get rid of or remove a word, file, software or programme inside a computer, you need to press the “Delete” key on the keyboard.

    Unfortunately, there is no “Delete” function in your brain. Based on psychological studies, to delete or get rid of a thought, emotion or an experience, you will need to “create” an event or action that can bring in new emotion and thought to “overcome” the existing emotion or thought that was first stored in your brain.

  • 我要改变
